> self.bio
Passionate about nature, sunsets, and building things that make life simpler.
> self.job
Software Engineer at Khan Academy working on Khanmigo
> self.education
UC Irvine, Class of 2022, B.S. Computer Science
> self.hometown
San Diego, California
> self.pronouns
[he, him, his]
App to quickly and easily share your contact information with a QR Code
150,000+ downloads from 115+ countries
A course exploration and scheduling planning tool for UC Irvine students
53,000 users and 300,000 page visits
A 10 week crash course on web development for UCI students
400 students have completed the course
A Slackbot that pairs people in a given channel to meet up for a one-on-one
Over 500 new connections made
Free API for UC Irvine data such as courses, grade distributions, and more
Over 1 million requests per month from 50 different student projects
A website that allows students in Pattis's ICS 33 class to view their grades online
5,000 users over 4 years
Web interface to control and send messages as a custom Slack app
September 2022 - present
2017 - 2022
Graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences.
September 2021 - June 2022
Oversee the development of 4 large scale open-source projects: AntAlmanac, Peter Portal, Peter Portal API, Zotistics.
September 2021 - June 2022
Commit the Change is an organization at UC Irvine that delivers high quality software for non-profit organizations while providing meaningful opportunities for students to develop tech with purpose.
As Co-President, I help grow the club to 150 members who worked across 4 NPO projects and 8 additional social good projects.
May 2021 - August 2021
Worked on Alexa's emergency services capabilities.
Created a side channel notification system to alert emergency service providers when a customer uses Alexa to call for help. This systems serves as a critical redundancy in a scenario where the main call fails to reach the provider.
January 2021 - April 2021
Outlined and began to implement a plan to port Khan Academy's existing Computer Science content from a Python monolithic server to a Go microservice.
September 2020 - June 2022
Plan and organize HackUCI, the largest collegiate hackathon in Orange County with over 600 attendees. Facilitate weekly workshops and "HackNights" to help UCI students improve their software development skills.
June 2020 - September 2020
Backend developer working with Python, Go, and GraphQL. Collaborated with Senior Engineers to convert the monolithic backend to a more efficient ecosystem of microservices. Implemented an index for retrieving content, reducing the number of instances needed by 350%.
September 2019 - June 2020
June 2019 - September 2019
Frontend developer working with Javascript and React Improved the Learning Time tracking system to classify an additional 1.4 million minutes of user activity per week Redesigned and launched a new Translators About page to recognize the work of the internationalization team Created a live markdown previewer for discussion posts and comments
April 2019 - June 2022
Lead groups on kayak and paddle board adventures, while providing them with a fun and safe experience.
March 2019 - June 2022
Teach a weekly course on the fundamentals of iOS Development to over 30 UC Irvine students. Create class material and provide one-on-one guidance for students during office hours. Class topics include: TableViews, CollectionViews, Segues, APIs calls, AutoLayout (constraints), Frameworks (i.e. WebKit, MapKit, ARKit), and using CocoaPods for iOS Libraries
May 2018 - August 2018
Backend developer working with C#, ASP.NET Core, SQL Databases, and Microsoft Azure. Created the backend for promotional codes and referrals on the Koder Platform. Implemented email, push, and feed notifications with Koder's iOS app. Worked on additional API endpoints and Azure Functions.
Koder is a future-of-work platform that connects companies with teams of crowdsourced developers to deliver results. Through the Koder service, anyone can get an elite team of engineers to build their next idea.
March 2018 - June 2019
Mentor middle school students while teaching them how to develop an Android game application. Teach students computer science concepts and introduce them to possible careers in STEM.